Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine Visit

Are you tired of seeking answers for your health questions in all the wrong places? Tired of feeling sick and tired while not even feeling heard? You have bounced around from doctor to doctor, only getting more discouraged with each visit. If so, you may relate to being a patient like me.

Someone who had gone to several physicians seeking answers on how I could better treat my Hashimoto’s Hypothyroidism. The unfortunate part was that I was only ever given partial solutions. No provider ever truly took the time to put all of the puzzle pieces together. It took me over 20 years from the start of my diagnosis to me starting on the right path towards true healing.

I do not want you to have this same story and to suffer this long.

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Integrative Medicine for the Whole Person

Although I see this most often with my thyroid patients who have gotten countless conflicting answers for their desperate health situation, it happens more frequently than anyone in medicine would like to admit. The pieces of the medical system are often out of alignment and often contradict one another. Where is a patient going to find the answers to what they seek?

This is where Integrative Medicine comes in. If done properly, practicing this type of medicine allows the physician and patient to partner together to find solutions for the most difficult health issues. It allows a deeper dive into what makes you as a patient tick and then harnesses this information to create sustainable health changes. 

It does not stop at only considering traditional western medicine methods. It goes further and looks into root causes, traditional and non-traditional ways of addressing these issues. 

It does not throw out allopathic medicine. On the contrary, it comes alongside it and adds to it where it is lacking. It looks at the body as a whole: mind, body and spirit and it seeks to support each of these very important pieces of who you are. You are not your disease. You are an individual who is meant to be healthy and whole. 

I heard a quote once that I fully believe to be true. Paraphrased, it said that Integrative Medicine will eventually no longer be called Integrative Medicine. In the future, it will simply be referred to as good medicine. If you would like to find out more about this amazing field and how I can help you with your own health journey, reach out today. You are only a day away from starting to be made Well!

Emily Sander, MD