At The Well, we are now offering Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy. We understand your concerns and are here to help.
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Bioidentical Hormones vs Non-bioidentical Hormones
You may be wondering what is special about bioidentical hormones. Well, these hormones have the exact molecular structure as the human body’s hormones. Other types of lab-made hormones do not. At The Well, we choose to avoid the synthetic hormones that are made differently than the hormones in your own body. If it is a different hormone than your body is used to, you are significantly more likely to react to it.
For example, Premarin is a non-bioidentical estrogen that is made with the help of urine from pregnant horses. It binds to human estrogen receptors very tightly and makes them more reactive. This is an example of a non-bioidentical hormone replacement therapy that we would NOT use on you.
Estradiol, on the other hand, given in the form of patches or creams, has the same chemical structure to the estradiol that is innately made in your own body. This is an example of a hormone that we would potentially use if it was indicated for you.
How do we determine if hormones would be of benefit for you? That is where ZRT laboratory comes into the picture. We partner with ZRT to bring you the most accurate and convenient hormone testing experience to our patients. The feedback we have received so far with this company is outstanding.
What’s even more important though, is that we don’t just start you on hormones. No, that would not be the integrative approach to hormone replacement therapy. We evaluate you for environmental toxins and make sure that your liver is detoxified and appropriately functioning before we would consider adding further demands on it. We are not the run-of-the-mill hormone replacement center. We specialize in making sure that you are optimized in an ideal state to start any new treatments.
So, if you are ready to turn that fan off and to finally be in the mood again, give us a call and get ready to start living the vibrant life again!