What makes Physical Therapy at The Well different?

Treatment is carried out in a private room

Many physical therapy settings place their patients in a gym with several other patients giving the treatment a feeling of being in a “fish bowl”. At The Well, your treatment is carried out in a private room where you can feel safe in discussing your complaints without the ears of others listening in. Our treatment table is heated, there are no fluorescent lights and we use cloth linens. No lying on paper or vinyl and we don’t use harsh, toxic chemicals on the surfaces.

Treatment is only carried out by a Licensed Physical Therapist

Your entire treatment plan is carried out by a single Physical Therapist. There is no one else providing care for you other than the licensed physical therapist that performed your evaluation.

You are never left unattended to carry out exercises on your own

Physical Therapy involves muscle specific exercises to promote wellness. It is essential they are performed correctly to ensure maximal benefit is achieved with the goal of wellness being met as quickly as possible. At The Well, you perform the exercises under the direct supervision of your physical therapist who is able to provide appropriate cueing to ensure you are not compensating stronger muscles for weaker ones.

Your entire treatment is hands on

Your time is valuable and we want you to get the most out of your treatment time. You won’t be placed on hot packs or cold packs and left alone while your therapist busies herself with someone or something else. We believe you can use heat and cold on your own time and that your time at The Well is best spent with your therapist. You will be receiving manual therapy, massage and exercises during the entire treatment time. We will focus on a manageable home program to ensure optimal progress toward your goals and that the gains made in therapy are maintained and promote a healthy future.

Meet The Well’s Physical Therapist

Lauralee graduated from the University of California at San Francisco in 1994 with her Masters in Physical Therapy. She began her career in Sacramento working at a Level I Trauma Center and then in a large metropolitan hospital. Her focus was on working in each department enabling her to learn about a vast array of injuries and illnesses and their effects on function. She has been practicing in Siskiyou County since 1996 and joined The Well in December 2022. She is familiar working with populations of all ages from pediatric to geriatric, as well as all diagnoses from orthopedic to neurological. In addition to this experience, Lauralee has also completed her post graduate education in pelvic floor therapy and is working towards her certification as a pelvic floor therapist.